How do you use a heat gun effectively?

Posted by Rodrigo Barrientos on

If you are an entrepreneur who produces and sells your products, you know just how important packaging is. From the container to the label and seal, everything comes together to create a well-done product. However, having the right tools and materials that are best suited for your product and your overall production can make a world of difference. 

Perhaps one of the most underrated tools you can have in your arsenal as a manufacturer is a heat gun. When it comes to putting on the finishing touches in packaging and sealing the product, heating guns can make the process seamless. However, it can be a pain and cost you your product if you are not quite sure how to use it correctly.

Can you use a heat gun with shrink wrap? 

Heat Gun

Absolutely! In fact, using a heat gun when shrink wrapping is highly effective for packaging. Once you have wrapped your products or goods using the shrink wrap, using the heat gun will cause the film to shrink and further secure your packages. 

How to effectively use a heat gun 

Heat Gun

Whether you are new to packaging, or you are just not quite sure if you have been doing it right this whole time, here is a step-by-step guide on how to secure your packages with shrink wrap and a heat gun. 

  • Gather your supplies - You want to ensure you have all you need to get started. Collect your product, shrink wrap and heat gun to prepare for packing. 
  • Prepare your product - Carefully wrap your product in the shrink wrap. Depending on the size and shape of your product, you may need to spend a little more time on this part. You’ll want to ensure that the product is neatly, and completely, encased by the shrink wrap. This is very important as you don’t want the heat from the gun to damage and ruin the product. And besides, who likes an untidy wrap, anyway? 
  • Shrink the wrap using the heat gun - Now this is the fun part! Turn your heat gun on a low setting to start. Pro-tip: Using a heat gun that has a nozzle attached is highly recommended as it helps to prevent the shrink wrap or the product from burning. It will also help to guide the heat as you go along.

Aim the heat gun over the product and slowly glide it along the shrink wrap. You should begin to see the film shrink down onto the product, tightly securing it. Move the gun slowly over the wrap to ensure the heat gets every area and secures it neatly. 

  • Finish the job - Continue applying heat to the shrink wrap as it hugs and closes over the product. Smooth out any edges, and repeat with the rest of your products. 

Packaging should not be hard. And when you have the right quality materials, it makes the whole process way easier. For premium quality shrink wrap film for your products, check out our 60 gauge, 75 gauge and 100 gauge wraps. 

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

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